Erin Hamlin

Performance Qualities

Erin continued her dance training at Manhattanville College in Purchase, NY.  She received extensive training in Ballet and Modern dance under the direction of Julia Gleich and Ara Fitzgerald.  She also received training in voice, acting, jazz, choreography and studied Dramatic Literature and Dance History.  Erin also participated in numerous workshops and performed in original works from guest choreographers including Clare Byrne, Deborah Tacon, Max Luna, Gabri Christa and Arthur Fredrick.  In addition to a singing role in the musical Working, directed by Mark Cherry, Erin was dance captain, and also performed an original piece in In Our Own Voice, a play directed by Hannah Fox.  Her choreography was showcased in annual concerts and she performed in several student works.

While at Manhattanville, Erin was a choreographer for “Minds in Motion,” a student led Hip Hop dance troupe that focused on community events.  She was also a summer instructor and choreographer for the Bethesda Academy for the Performing Arts in Maryland.  She received her BA degree in 2003 with a minor in dance and theater.  Following graduation Erin attended a Doug Varone Dance Company Workshop at SUNY Purchase, and continued to attend classes at Broadway Dance Center in NYC.

Erin recently returned to Maine and now teaches English at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School.  She has choreographed pieces for the school Show Choir, the Christmas for Teens Benefit Concert, and the Community Musical, Carnivale.  She looks forward to continuing involvement with the dance and theater community in the Oxford Hills region and is particularly excited to be working with Debi Irons and the Art Moves Dancers.  She is the proud mother of daughter Alaina.
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